

Metallguß Steinrücken is a specialist for innovative products in the field of aluminium and magnesium castings..

The versatility and profitability of low-pressure sand casting, sand casting in hand moulding and sand casting in machine moulding processes are decisive key factors. This allows small, medium and large series to be produced as well as small and large-sized and single and multi-part castings. In addition, numerous advantages such as flexibility, excellent dimensional accuracy and high surface quality count in the favour of this cast aluminium process.

Clients in the medical, aerospace and engineering sectors rely on the expertise of Metallguß Steinrücken and put their trust in the top-quality products and customer-oriented service of our company.

Sand casting

Depending on the application and requirements of the client, the most technically and economically viable process is used after a technical casting consultation.

Sand casting in aluminium and magnesium generally allows high design freedom and cost-effective fabrication of components with complex geometries.

To Information


Contact us

Contact us at any time with questions about our products or to make a personal appointment. We have the right contact person for each business unit.

+49 29 62 - 97562-0